Friday, 22 January 2021

Boss Battle Arena - Design: Moodboard

     After the inital idea was rejected I had to come up with a different idea, so I had to quickly go back brain storming again, and when watching athe game Sekiro there wasa fight with the chained up ogre as it's shown in my moodboard and that gave me a really interesting idea.

     My new idea that I came up with was this chained up ogre giant in either a church, abandonded hosue or tarven, and becasue he is chained up there is a limited amount of space he can move around this means there will be a clear border of where his limit is and I can convey this easily by battle damage, skeletons, dead bodies and etc.

    The lore of this ogre is he was a slave of this family but he was abused and tortured and when the family either died or moved away he was just abandoned here in the house still chained up, and over the years of being tortured and being alone and locked up in a house with nothing but his own thoughts, his hatred towards humans began to grow more and more. With this hatred he will kill any human that is unlucky enough to cross path with him.



     I want this scene to set in the theme of Bloodborne, gothic victorian, and Dark Soul. 

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Muscle Structure. Combining Black and Colour Media

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