Tuesday 27 April 2021

Natural vs Artificial - Scene - Lighting

     This is with the proper lighting, I tried to find the perfect balance of this dark and gloomy closed off factory, but I didn't want it to be too dark, as I want to show of all the small details textures of the scene.

Alongside there are quite a bit of gold which is very shiny, so I couldn't make the ceiling light very bright as it will over expose the metal, so the solution of this was to "fake" the lighting, I made the light as bright as I could without over exposing and then applied more lightings acting as fill lights in areas where is very dark to create the illusion that the ceiling lights are hitting the entire room.

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Muscle Structure. Combining Black and Colour Media

    These are the coloured media with black media, I chose the do the male and female separately so I can focus on each individual drawings ...