Wednesday 28 April 2021

Boss Character - Final Render - Sketch

      This is the sketch I came up with before doing my final render, I picked and pulled different design ideas from all of my other notan designs, initially I wanted to include the belt strap on the entire body however after drawing it in and thinking about it, it was not every suited for the theme of this character or the setting of the environment he will be in. So I decided to remove that in the end it also allows me to put more focus and detail on the body which I want. This gives me more room to put more stories on the body itself with scratches and scars. As I said initially I want to emphasize the weakness of the character through his physical appearance by showing how skinny he was and just by the overall stand of the character.

    The overall body shape of this character is slightly hunched over and this is because of the metal arm lock on his forearms, I really enjoy this idea of using what is chaining him down as a way of attacking, I have seen similar ideas in dark souls and bloodborne where the way the boss is swinging its weapon in a way that feels like it's really heavy and weighing them down.

    The head on the body is just for placeholder purposes, I may or may not change my idea on which design I want to use.

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Muscle Structure. Combining Black and Colour Media

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