Wednesday 28 April 2021

Boss Character - Final Render - Finished

     This is the finished final render piece, I approached this the same way I approached the vehicle project, by photobashing it has really helped me with making the painting look more realistic and also speeding up the process overall. I had a lot of fun with this render and I really enjoyed some texture created by the brushes I used.
    What I would do better for the project if I had the chance to redo it would be I would also focus more on how the back of this character will look like, I feel like it's really lacking in some interesting stuffs in general. However, I don't think there was much I could have done as even from the front the main focus of this character is his physic, so the interesting point is his body not necessarily what he's wearing or holding.

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Muscle Structure. Combining Black and Colour Media

    These are the coloured media with black media, I chose the do the male and female separately so I can focus on each individual drawings ...