Tuesday 27 April 2021

Natural vs Artificial - Scene - Pipes

     I wanted to start building the scenes after some main assets have been made, of course, there will probably be more things to be added, but I have a good amount of assets to start building the scene, I started off by placing off the pipes, I wanted to make sure I use all the variations equally as much as possible.


    After placing the bigger pipes and the small pipes I wanted to mix them up as it looks somewhat boring, so afterwards I tried combining the bigger pipes with some smaller pipes, the overall scene looks more interesting with them both makes it look more interesting

    By adding and combining the larger pipes with the smaller pipes it instantly made the scene look more realistic with everything mixed together and working together.

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Muscle Structure. Combining Black and Colour Media

    These are the coloured media with black media, I chose the do the male and female separately so I can focus on each individual drawings ...