Tuesday 27 April 2021

Natural vs Artificial - Textures - Tiling Sheet

    These are the tiling textures I made for the scene.

This is the floor grill that I will be using for the middle part of my metal floor. I made a grill just so the player can see through the floor and see the space underneath the floor, this is the same logic as removing the floor, as the player can see the space through the floor it creates an illusion of more of an open space.

This is the brick wall texture I will be using for the wall, I made the exact same texture but with damage on top, I will be vertex painting the broken wall on top just to break up the tiling a bit.

This is the floor for the room, at first I wanted to use the brick wall as the floor texture but after doing it I regretted so instantly as it very repetitive as the ceiling, wall and floor will be the same brick wall texture and no amount of vertex painting will make it any less repetitive

This is a concrete texture, after looking at the wall, with how tall the room is, the walls looked very "odd" and boring, so I decided to use another texture for the bottom half of the wall just so I can break up the wall texture and add more interest in the scene overall.

Finally, this is the conveyor belt texture.

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Muscle Structure. Combining Black and Colour Media

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