Wednesday 28 April 2021

Bounty Hutner - Render

     When setting up the lighting I really wanted to show off the emissive shaders on the character, so I chose a darker overall environment so the emissive can really shine. However, I don't want to have the scene too dark where you can't see the textures of the actual texture.

    The fill light I set up I wanted to make sure the texture of the jacket to really show, and I think I have achieved that with the jacket catching some highlight but not over exposed, and also it fills in the shadows created by the key light on the side.

    If I had the chance to redo this project I would make the hair a lot better as I feel like the hair is a huge weak point of this character, I feel like a combination of modelling the hair and hair cards will be a huge improvement or making the hair out of thick and bit planes of hair cards.

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Muscle Structure. Combining Black and Colour Media

    These are the coloured media with black media, I chose the do the male and female separately so I can focus on each individual drawings ...